Athletes Wellbeing and Mindfulness 

As athletes evolve into their post-athletic lives, I believe there are core fundamentals of wellbeing that are a necessity to achieve life long physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. I have engaged in hundreds of hours of thoughtful and intimate conversations with ex-athletes ranging from MLB, Olympians, Collegiate, and High School levels.  My quest, to find the common reasons why some ex-athletes have transitioned out of sport smoothly while others have struggled years after their athletic career has ended.  The transition out of athletics is most certainly challenging for all, but for some painful.  Yet very few athletes are made aware of this transition, nor are they given tools to help their future selves. 

My goal, to bring awareness, education, and mentor a post athletic game plan, to all athletes and ex-athletes regarding how to have a happy, healthy and meaningful life after sport.  Regardless of what phase the athletic journey someone is in, it is time to discuss and give tools to help current and ex-athletes achieve better wellbeing when they evolve into their next phase of life.  

Athletes Wellbeing and Mindfulness Podcast Coming Soon!

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“The state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.”


“The quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.”


“A person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring strength, agility or stamina.”


Adam Lee


Founder – Adam G. Lee

As long a time coach,  I have a track record of successfully leading teams and individuals. The success I am talking about is positive forward movement in life, not just winning games.  My goal is to create awareness and educate athletes and parents regarding the mental and physical challenges athletes will face as they develop and as they transition out of sports. Through intimate and insightful conversations with ex athletes and mental health experts I have learned that this subject is rarely talked about but can have serious outcomes. Most all ex-athletes will face the emotional, mental, and physical challenges after sport.  The journey to achieve wellbeing in a post athletic life is real.  You are not alone. 

I am excited to have thoughtful conversations with: 

-Current Athletes



-Business that employ or seek to employ ex-athletes

-Athletic Departments, Sport Federations, Sports Leagues

-Parents and Parent Groups 

-Sports Agents